Wolf Game - Wool Pouch NFT
Wolf Game - Wool Pouch NFTs were sold 4 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for Wolf Game - Wool Pouch was $19.69. The average Wolf Game - Wool Pouch NFT price was $4.9.
Each WOOL Pouch unlocks the WOOL inside to the owner over time. To claim the unlocked WOOL inside of your Pouch, visit: https://wolf.game/pouches
View the other official collections: https://opensea.io/category/wolf-game-ecosystem
- Wolves & Sheep: https://opensea.io/collection/wolf-game
- Land: https://opensea.io/collection/wolf-game-land
- Farmers: https://opensea.io/collection/wolf-game-farmer
Game: https://game.wolf.game/
- Discord: https://www.discord.gg/wolfgame
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wolfdotgame
WOOL has no other functionality other than within the Wolf Game ecosystem, and it cannot be purchased from The Wolf Game Developers. The Wolf Game Developers do not provide or intend to provide a secondary marketplace for WOOL.
Wolf Game - Wool Pouch Rarity Explorer
NFTs sold
last 7 days
Trading volume
last 7 days
Wolf Game - Wool Pouch Value
Average price last 7 days