The VediCubist's 'Last Supper' NFT

Created about 2 years ago
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There were no The VediCubist's 'Last Supper' sold in the last 30 days.

With this , I have ventured outside of Hindu Mythology.

I have also (with great humility) dared to digitally recreate Leonardo DaVinci's renaissance Masterpiece, ‘The Last Supper’ (done in the 1490s)

In all my years as an illustrator, this has been the most challenging composition to work on...the process was a total pleasure tho❤️

This collection has 10 limited edition NFTs.

About VediCubism -

It is a style of art developed over many many years. VediCubism (Vedic Cubism) as an artform has been inspired by the Vedas (Hinduism) and influenced by the works of many legendary Cubist Artists. The art style uses only the most simple shapes and a fixed/Vibrant Gradient and color scheme.

The VediCubist's 'Last Supper' NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a The VediCubist's 'Last Supper'?
The VediCubist's 'Last Supper' is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many The VediCubist's 'Last Supper' were sold recently?
There were no The VediCubist's 'Last Supper' NFTs sold in the last 30 days.