Physical-dimension NFT

Created over 2 years ago
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There were no Physical-dimension sold in the last 30 days.

A New Dimension Emerging in Reality 現実に現れる新たな次元

次元をつなぐ試み 私たちのいる現実世界と、「別の次元と仮定する世界」「そのまた別の次元と仮定する世界」とを 繋ぐための表現を試みます。 このプロジェクトを立ち上げた背景には、 永遠性を作りだす事が制作の根源にあります。 私が言う永遠性とは、物理的にずっと存在する、 寿命をひたすらのばすものではなく、 ずっと続いていってほしいという祈りに近いものになります。

Attempt to connect dimensions The real world in which we live and the world we assume to be another dimension, and the world we assume to be another dimension We will attempt to express the connection between the two. The background behind the launch of this project is Creating eternity is at the root of my work. What I mean by eternity is a physical eternity that exists forever. It is not something that just prolongs your life. It is almost like a prayer that the work will continue forever.

Physical-dimension NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a Physical-dimension?
Physical-dimension is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many Physical-dimension were sold recently?
There were no Physical-dimension NFTs sold in the last 30 days.