Nuclear Nerds of the Accidental Apocalypse NFT
Nuclear Nerds of the Accidental Apocalypse NFTs were sold 7 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for Nuclear Nerds of the Accidental Apocalypse was $267.34. The average Nuclear Nerds of the Accidental Apocalypse NFT price was $38.2.
Nuclear Nerds of the Accidental Apocalypse is not just a simple collection of 8,999 male and female NFTs, it is a jumping-off point for a narrative story world that will be told through a series of future drops and unique mechanics.
Nuclear Nerds of the Accidental Apocalypse Rarity Explorer
NFTs sold
last 7 days
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last 7 days
Nuclear Nerds of the Accidental Apocalypse Value
Average price last 7 days