Metaverse No.1 Chicken rice NFT

Created about 3 years ago
No recent sales
There were no Metaverse No.1 Chicken rice sold in the last 30 days.

"元宇宙第一雞肉飯" 擁有此NFT者皆可以每天從元宇宙到現實宇宙聯盟店家領空投雞肉飯,這是讓睡公園的你永遠都有飯吃的NFT項目。2021/12/28 PM:22:00首波販售。保證地板價,2022/12/31前若破地板價由項目方買回。(不包含終身型)

1.鑫耀鑫:100台北市中正區公園路20巷12號 2.梁鑫雞肉飯專門店:106台北市大安區通安街73號 3.鑫營雞肉本舖:110台北市信義區松山路145號 4.府中雞肉飯專門店:220新北市板橋區重慶路31號1樓 5.景新雞肉飯專門店:235新北市中和區景新街415號 6.天津雞肉飯:104台北市中山區天津街63號1 樓 7.元宇宙第一雞肉飯:


Metaverse No.1 Chicken rice NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a Metaverse No.1 Chicken rice?
Metaverse No.1 Chicken rice is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many Metaverse No.1 Chicken rice were sold recently?
There were no Metaverse No.1 Chicken rice NFTs sold in the last 30 days.