Le Valet de Carreau NFT
"Jack of Diamonds" ("Bubnovy Valet") is one of the most significant associations of the Russian avant-garde. Its founders: P. Konchalovsky, I. Mashkov, M. Larionov, A. Lentulov, the Burliuk brothers, A. Kuprin, R. Falk, V. Rozhdestvensky and N. Goncharova. Jack - a playing card depicting a young man. Until 1917, Russian convicts were called "tambourine aces" - their prison attire was a long gray robe, on the back of which a black rhombus was sewn. The name "Jack of Diamonds", which evokes associations with youth, as well as with fraud and roguery, with its provocativeness opposed the sophistication of the names of other creative unions of the beginning of the last century and should have caused a certain reaction from the public: for some it was humorous, for others - an involuntary shudder, for the third - irritation and indignation. "Le Valet De Carreau" is a collective image of the founders of the group - preserving the the distinctive characteristics and features of each.