Island Defender NFT
Created about 3 years ago
No recent sales
There were no Island Defender sold in the last 30 days.
为了表彰【我岛保安】的丰功伟绩,DAO Social Lab决定发行一套名为“Defender”的NFT数字头像,头像基于【我岛保安】形象进行二次创作,我们根据岛民们的兴趣爱好、价值取向、思考方式、个性主场等维度,创造了44个【我岛保安】的化身,每一个都有自己的专属编号。
Island Defender NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
▶ What is a Island Defender?
Island Defender is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many Island Defender were sold recently?
There were no Island Defender NFTs sold in the last 30 days.