The Hundred Family Surnames & Letter NFT

Created about 3 years ago
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We are committed The fusion of Traditional Chinese Culture and Cutting-Edge digital technology.

#The Hundred Family Surnames's Collection.

Each surname incorporates Chinese pinyin and alphabet new designs.

445 single surnames and 59 compound surnames in strict accordance with the order of the Hundred Family Surnames.

If the same letter combination is encountered, the unique macaron background color system will be used in the order of the surname to ensure that each design is unique and can correspond to its exclusive surname.

Each image is composed of pixels that are multiples of 9, including width, height, coordinates, spacing, positioning, etc.

In ancient China, "nine" was the polar number of the yang number, that is, the largest singular number. "Nine" represented noble, represented the emperor, and implied eternal.

You can choose a picture of your surname and use it as your avatar, logo, background wall, etc. We believe it will bring you special luck.

The Hundred Family Surnames & Letter NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

â–¶ What is a The Hundred Family Surnames & Letter?
The Hundred Family Surnames & Letter is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
â–¶ How many The Hundred Family Surnames & Letter were sold recently?
There were no The Hundred Family Surnames & Letter NFTs sold in the last 30 days.