ENS: Ethereum Name Service NFT
ENS: Ethereum Name Service NFTs were sold 327 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for ENS: Ethereum Name Service was $67.14k. The average ENS: Ethereum Name Service NFT price was $205.3.
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains are secure domain names for the decentralized world. ENS domains provide a way for users to map human readable names to blockchain and non-blockchain resources, like Ethereum addresses, IPFS hashes, or website URLs. ENS domains can be bought and sold on secondary markets.
ENS: Ethereum Name Service Rarity Explorer
NFTs sold
last 7 days
Trading volume
last 7 days
ENS: Ethereum Name Service Value
Average price last 7 days
Recent ENS: Ethereum Name Service sales
10th percentile price
last 7 days
Median price
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90th percentile price
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ENS: Ethereum Name Service Price Chart
Top Selling ENS: Ethereum Name Service NFTs of the last 30 days
NFT | Date | Price | |
1 | about 1 month ago | $6.7k |