Elemental Frogs Successor NFT

Created almost 3 years ago
No recent sales
There were no Elemental Frogs Successor sold in the last 30 days.

This NFT collection depicts researchers closely associated with ToKo×ToKo's signature work Elemental Frogs. The researcher is yourself. But your gender, age, and even species are irrelevant. With this NFT on you, you are free to draw your own stories. Let's start the story with an encounter with "Elemental Frogs" (https://opensea.io/collection/elemental-frogs), frogs born with special abilities.

この作品はToKo×ToKoの代表作品Elemental Frogsと関係の深い研究者たちを描いたNFTコレクションです。 研究者とはあなた自身。 けれども、あなたの性別、年齢、種族すらも関係ない。 このNFTを身に付けたあなたは、自由に物語を描くことができる。 それでは、特殊な能力を持って生まれたカエル“Elemental Frogs”(https://opensea.io/collection/elemental-frogs) との出会いから物語を始めよう。

Elemental Frogs Successor NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a Elemental Frogs Successor?
Elemental Frogs Successor is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many Elemental Frogs Successor were sold recently?
There were no Elemental Frogs Successor NFTs sold in the last 30 days.