Early Birds Genesis NFT
Early Birds Genesis NFTs were sold 12 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for Early Birds Genesis was $1.88k. The average Early Birds Genesis NFT price was $156.8.
67% hard-staked as of 7/18/24 - Holder count is inaccurate due to staking.
Early Birds Genesis NFTs represent Lifetime Membership within the Early Birds Ecosystem. Early Birds generate $WORMS, our utility token, by being staked. We host monthly marketplace drops to reward our staked holders. We minted out in June 2022 and migrated contracts in June 2023 to enforce royalties. 100% of royalties power the Early Birds ecosystem.
Token-gated utilities include access to: Nest Network, NFT Alpha Calls, Options Trading Signals, Sports Betting Picks, Retail Arbitrage Alerts, and Giveaways/Fractionalized Benefits. Holder utilities will continue to scale over time.
Early Birds Genesis Rarity Explorer
NFTs sold
last 7 days
Trading volume
last 7 days
Early Birds Genesis Value
Average price last 7 days
10th percentile price
last 7 days
Median price
last 7 days
90th percentile price
last 7 days