CryptoSkulls NFT
CryptoSkulls NFTs were sold 35 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for CryptoSkulls was $7.82k. The average CryptoSkulls NFT price was $223.3.
CryptoSkulls are made up of 10,000 collectible ERC-721 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) stored on the Ethereum Blockchain.
CryptoSkulls first launched in 2019 and it is widely believed CryptoSkulls was the second ever 10,000 supply profile picture (pfp) collection to launch following CryptoPunks, as a result CryptoSkulls are commonly referred to as a 'Historical' collectible throughout the web3 community.
NFTs sold
last 7 days
Trading volume
last 7 days
CryptoSkulls Value
Average price last 7 days
Recent CryptoSkulls sales
10th percentile price
last 7 days
Median price
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90th percentile price
last 7 days