444(4) by Shvembldr NFT

Created about 3 years ago
1,198 Discord members
20,301 Twitter followers
No recent sales
There were no 444(4) by Shvembldr sold in the last 30 days.

Art Blocks Collection: Presents

Heritage Art Blocks Collection: Playground

Project Description: Attention! Extremely Experimental Project!

This project is the quintessential generative art. Each instance of this project is an infinite deterministic ratio and resolution agnostic art generator. Every click = new art. The main format is a 3x4 poster. But by pressing "f," you can stretch the art to the whole screen (any screen). All elements of this art are rectangles, and the main number of this project is 4. You can use the generated images commercially (read the license). 


  • "f" = fullscreen
  • "s" = save art
  • "t" = 30-sec interval infinite slideshow
  • "u" = 3-sec interval slideshow + save (а convenient way to make images for the gallery)
  • "1 - 9" = change pixel density. 

(Changing the ratio and pixel density resets the art counter to 0).

444(4) by Shvembldr NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a 444(4) by Shvembldr?
444(4) by Shvembldr is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many 444(4) by Shvembldr were sold recently?
There were no 444(4) by Shvembldr NFTs sold in the last 30 days.

444(4) by Shvembldr Community Stats

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