Nippy & Frens Founders Pass

Founder's Pass #571

About Nippy & Frens Founders Pass

The Nippy & Frens Founder's Pass is a unique ERC-721 that plays into the &Frens ecosystem. There are benefits to owning one (1) and owning (5)+:

One Pass : a) One (1) Founder's Pass acts as automatic allowlist for all future collections b) Participate in games, activities, and win real valuable prizes c) Participate in the future Exp&nd program (need 8 Nippy as well)

**Five Passes = Treasury Access ** a) Mint new collections at .02 ETH per 5 owned b)Treasury receives 30% of Nippy: Magnet of Mischief royalties (5%) c) Treasury receives 10% of future character drops (next Apr) d) Treasury receives 1% of revenue generated from expanded &frens network

Other Collections

| Rufus: Master of Disguise | & Extensions | Nippy: Magnet of Mischief |