Wise Squirrels #2455
About Wise Squirrels
Squirrels NFTs Direct Minting and Mutation interface https://mint-wise.bushysquirrels.com Direct minting Squirrel Price 0.01 ETH OR Get your Turquoise Nut NFTs Currency/Money 5 Nuts @ 0.001 = 1 Squirrel https://mint.bushysquirrels.com/
https://beacons.ai/squirrelawaynft https://bushysquirrels.com
Go Nuts and Squirrel Away NFTs Project
The Wise Squirrel is a premier ETH NFT collection of 4444, symbolizing the Wise legacy with wisdom, luck, and whimsy.
Our dynamic NFTs depict a transformative art series, where each nut mutates into a unique squirrel, illustrating the beauty of change.
The platform narrates the value-laden journey of mutating nuts, where the art and its transformative tale are paramount for profits and value.
Embrace the evolution with the debut of the Wise Squirrel, followed by the athletic Sports Squirrel, and so on.
Own a Wise Squirrel by mutating Turquoise Nuts or minting directly.
Join our Squirrels family and let the metamorphosis commence!