Intern #2200
About Wall St Bulls Interns
The Wall Street Bulls Interns are a sister collection to the Wall Street Bulls (, designed and illustrated by Cam Rackam and the Wall St Memes Team.
Need free work? Can't convince your staff to pick up extra hours? No one wants to come in on a Saturday? Don't worry, we are providing Interns to all Wall St Bulls that hold more than 3 Bulls. Need a reminder to eat more fish? Looking for someone to pick up your dry-cleaning? Trying to find that special person who won't mix up messages from your wife with the messages from your gf? Then put your trust in these caffeine and debt addled little cuties. Sure, they Prozac. Yes, they Vape. Of course they can pick up a few coffees for the office. These Interns have one chance to get their hoof in the door and that's you.
Intern utility includes FREE access to poker games, a financial advisor channel (Monday-Friday). Treat your interns well!