Zoofrenz Apefrenz 2.0 by Zombot Studio

Awakened Apefrenz #8759

About Zoofrenz Apefrenz 2.0 by Zombot Studio

Awaken your ape using Float tanks

Float Tanks transform Apefrenz into an Awakened Apefrenz with a set of brand-new traits.

A future-proofed metaverse IP built by veteran game designers and artists. Zoofrenz begins with a collection of 6,666 Apefrenz avatars that generate $FRENSHIP utility tokens. $FRENSHIP can be used to redeem various additional NFTs in our ecosystem. 3D Avatar Pass - Every Apefrenz can ascend into metaverse-ready 3D playable characters. Built for the metaverse of the future, ready to play right now.

Original 1.0 Collection (migrating to 2.0)

$FRENSHIP token checker

由資深遊戲設計團隊Zombot Studio打造的元宇宙 IP。 Zoofrenz 以 6,666 個 Apefrenz NFT 開始,Apefrenz後續可以覺醒成元宇宙裡的 3D Playable Character NFT。 元宇宙的未來,現在就觸手可及。你也準備好覺醒了嗎?