
PxlFangster 6213

About PxlFangs

PxlFangs is a collection of 8888 randomly assembled pixelated Fangsters. After Fang Runner was released, every Fangster in the city got addicted to it. Then one day they were all sucked into the game, creating 32px versions of them called PxlFangsters.

This is a free mint collection made in collab with pxlhns for Fang Gang holders. You can find a Fangster ID checker on the website to see if a Fangster can still claim a PxlFangster.

PxlFangsters are originally minted in 32x32 format, and now you can upgrade them to 48x48 Super PxlFangsters by using a Super PxlChip, an item purchasable in New Fang City or on secondary market through the Awoo Items collection.